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"We have been taking our students to Yad Vashem for years, but never has the tour been so impactful and the experience so profound and positively directional, until it was led by the masterful and sensitive Rabbi Hanoch Teller." - Rabbi Shimon Isaacson, Rosh Yeshiva Mevaseret Yerushalayim

"Hanoch Teller is incredibly informative and exceptionally sensitive. He is a repository of scholarship and Jewish tradition."

- Dr. Oz, Television Personality,

Physician, and Author

For four decades Rabbi Hanoch Teller has been a sought-after tour guide at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. His Holocaust expertise, deep humanity and sensitivity, and his uncanny ability to tell just the right story at the right time, transform the infinite banality of horror into an intensely personal encounter with the Destruction of European Jewry.

The Holocaust contains a minefield of dilemmas that may be beyond the scope of, and abused by, those unschooled and insensitive to Torah ideology. The wisdom and direction that Hanoch Teller dispenses in his riveting and instructive tour is not only a much-needed beacon of light, but a reassuring fortress of faith that is masterfully conveyed.

Some guides present the Holocaust as a history lesson. Nothing could be further than the passion and transformative world-famous experience that Hanoch Teller provides, whereby you always walk out of one of his tours differently than you entered.

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Hanoch Teller guiding at Yad Vashem.
Dr. Oz (left), Rabbi Shmuli Boteach (right)

Rabbi Hanoch Teller

Rabbi Hanoch Teller is a globe-trotting modern-day maggid (storyteller of yore) renowned as the King of the Storytellers and the Shakespeare of the Yeshivah World. He has lectured before audiences on five continents, in 40 American States and 24 other countries.



About Hanoch 





Tel: 212 738 9365

Address: 4 Rechov Yehoyariv Jerusalem, Israel

© 2024 All Rights Reserved By Rabbi Hanoch Teller

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